Start Here
I’ve been playing around with the Nikon D3300 in real world situations and have a notebook full of tips and tricks that I can’t wait to share with you. I’m in the process of organizing everything and will be publishing some how-to videos in the coming weeks. Woot woot!
Follow my Facebook page and my YouTube channel to see the latest videos as they are released and to be notified when I post tutorials for the D3300.
Newly Released Cheat Sheets
If you’re anxious and want to start taking better pictures today, check out my Cheat Cards for the Nikon D3300. They give you a sneak peek at the settings I use for a variety of situations. I show you every setting to adjust, with step-by-step instructions that anyone can follow.

Need More Help?
If you need additional help with your Nikon D3300, you can chat with me on Facebook or in the forum. I do my best to get back to everyone as fast as I can. Family always comes first (my wife, three boys and a baby girl), but any free time I have left is spent helping people just like you. Happy shooting!